MVP Testing

MVP ("Minimum Viable Product") testing provides an opportunity to have real people act as members to help test the functions of the software, as well as provide feedback on the user experience, and any other comments that are relevant to improving the product. You have been selected to help us test and improve our product. Thank-you, in advance, for you cooperation!


  1.01 Incentives for Testers
  1.02 No real money, items, or transactions
  1.03 Everything must look real
  1.04 Posting items for sale
  1.05 Posting an Item (BII)
  1.06 Tangible versus non-tangible items
  1.07 Comments within the social media group
  1.08 Feedback from testers
  1.09 Differences between MVP and the real app

  2.01 Create account and manage profile
  2.02 Authentication for ShareExtension
  2.03 Members with multiple accounts

  3.01 Minimum requirements: iPhone and iOS
  3.02 Minimum requirements: desktop browser
  3.03 Software installation
  3.04 Software updates


We will be using a social media page, like instagram, for our testers. The purpose is to have our testers buy and sell items as if the app was already alive and active. Members need to be able to "post" items for sale, as well as purchase items that others have put up for sale. To facilitate this, we are asking all of our testers to join our social media group, and to post the items that they wish to sell within our group page. Additionally, all items should be purchased directly from this social media group page.

You should be prepared to accomplish the following tasks:


In order to encourage you to participate, we have made some prize money available to the most ambitious testers. There are rewards for accomplishments as outlined here:

Notes and Rules:

WINNERS (Sample only!)
Week Ending PRIZE Winner Details
Fri XXX 00 2020 @ 23:59h  $100.00 Keg Mansion Card! 
Random Item
FreddyJRipper Item: 4526B787-2F0B-48C4-9639-F052E712D538
Desc: Pair of BlueJays Baseball SatAug10/3:00pm (vs. NY Yankees)
Paid: $240.55 (Section 104, Row 22, Seats 4-5)
Seller: SeasonTicketHolder
Buyer: FreddyJRipper
Fri XXX 00 2020 @ 23:59h  $50 Tim Horton's Gift Certificate 
Most Money EARNED in a single day
AmandaPanda Total: $1,234.56
Sold: 27 Items
Date: Wed XXX 00, 2020
Seller: AmandaPanda

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1.02 No real money, items, or transactions

There will be no real money, and no real items during the MVP testing phase. All transactions will feel "Real", in that all of the features and functions will be available. Furthermore, all transactions will be recorded as if they actually took place, so reports can be generated.

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1.03 Everything must look real

Since there is no real money, and no real items, the system must be made to look like these things actually are real. So, credit card numbers and payment tools will LOOK real, but they will contain invalid information. Transaction identifiers will be randomly created. Shipments and tracking numbers will be randomly created, and used as if they were real.

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1.04 Posting items for sale

Members, acting as sellers, need to be able to post an item, either by using the phone's built-in camera, or the phone's library ("gallery") of images, to put an item up for sale. To post an item for sale, the member acting as a seller, will have to use the ClientApp's "edit suite" to select an image, place the BUY tag on the image, and answer a few questions about the item, so that a potential buyer will know what they are buying. For the MVP, these Sparkered images will have to be manually posted to our social media group, so other testers can purchased the items. In the future, there may be some automatic posting to social media sites.

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1.05 Posting an item: BII (Basic Item Information)

All items must have a certain basic amount of information so that the system and the potential buyer(s) know what they are buying. Obviously, the most important piece of BII is the price of the items (and the specific currency that the price represents "Canadian".) However, there are other pieces of BII that are required.

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1.06 Tangible versus non-tangible items

For tangible items (like a bicycle), the system will require some physical characteristics of the item: height, width, and depth; weight; the physical location of the item (for shipping purposes); and a description to go with the image.

For non-tangible items, like a computer file which is a PDF or an MP3, only the price is required, as the shipping will be done electronically, when the purchaser completes the transaction. A LINK to the item will be emailed, allowing the buyer to download and save the file to their local device. The image associated with this item could be "cover art" for the music, or it could simply be an image of something evoked by the lyrics of the music. In any case, the image represents the item.

Every item **MUST** have a Sparkered image, but the image might not necessarily be of the item itself. For instance, the item might be a chair, but the image is of the entire room, which includes other objects in the room that are not for sale at this time.

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1.07 Comments within the social media group

Use comments to encourage people to also comment, and to visit more often. For instance, "This is a great deal, but the cost to ship it to Toronto makes it not financially reasonable!" Comments will be submitted by Sparker admins, and hopefully, by some of the testers as well. Another good idea is to ask questions about the items: "When was it last oiled?", so that the seller can get engaged with the buyer about some specific details of the item.

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1.08 Feedback from testers

Feedback from users is always welcome! Use the "contact" page on this website to send email to

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1.09 Differences between mvp and the real app [Back to TOP]

2.01 Create account and manage profile

You will have your own Sparker account, so you can act as a seller and/or a buyer. You will have to authenticate themselves to the ClientApp to be able to manage your own profile, as well as post items, purchase items, and see your current status dashboard. When you register (by submitting your UDID and NDA document), your account information will be given to you.

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2.02 Authentication for ShareExtension

You must be signed in to the Sparker system to buy or sell items. You can login using the Client App, and your device will remember your login when the Share Extension is invoked by clicking on a Sparkered image. Depending on the version that you have installed, you might be asked to login from within the ShareExtension, or you might have to go to the CLient App, and login there. In either case, once you are logged in, you will be able to purchase items by clicking on Sparkered images.

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2.03 Members with multiple accounts

You can have multiple Sparker accounts, but you can only be signed in to one account at a time. You will have to go to the Client App to logout and then login to your other account.

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3.01 Minimum requirements: iPhone and iOS

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3.02 Minimum requirements: desktop browser

As well as the mobile functions on the smartphone, there are some operations that will require access to a desktop browser. Specifically, the member dashboard is a desktop-only function (at this time). Any desktop browser will work, on any operating system.

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3.03 Software installation

The software will be made available to the testers using either direct email to those testers that we directly invite, or through a generic URL that will automatically install the software on their device. There are no special instructions for the testers (at this time).

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3.04 Software updates

The software on your device will automatically keep itself updated. You may be asked to confirm the update, and you should do this, to ensure you have the most recent version.